Samsung moved away from the plastic bodies of old and completely changed how they design their flagship devices. For many it was a welcome change towards a better product but for a few it was a big disappointment. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 managed to impress a lot of people and shifted many units despite not being launched in the UK at all. So without further ado let’s discuss the pros and cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5.

Pros of Samsung Galaxy Note 5

There are a lot of features back into the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and it will not be possible to count them all as Pros in this article. If you want to get a closer look at the full feature set of the smartphone check out the best features of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 article. Let’s start off with the things that make the smartphone awesome.

1. Eye-catching Design

The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is a beautiful looking smartphone. Usually, large sized smartphones are not that good-looking simply because they are very big. But in the case of Samsung Galaxy Note 5, the large size does wonders for the design. On the surface, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 might look like an enlarged Samsung Galaxy S6 and that is absolutely not a bad thing. However, when you dive deeper, you will notice subtle changes in the design. For example, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 features a curved glass back that makes it that much easier to hold. The metallic frame feels cool and sturdy in the hand. The back is made up of premium glass material and makes the smartphone comfortable to hold. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is a remarkable looking smartphone.

2. The Screen

The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 comes with a large 5.7 inch screen. However, Samsung includes a Super AMOLED panel on their premium phablet. Samsung is renowned for making some of the best smartphone displays in the world. Personally, Samsung has balled me and I will never go back to another display after using theirs for almost 3 years. The Super AMOLED screen technology lights up individual pixels and test saves a lot of energy when displaying black. Another benefit of this technology is that the Blacks are actually pixels not even lighting up, they are richer and deeper than any other display technology. Combine this with a quad HD resolution and you have one of the best looking display panels around. It will be a real shame not to consume videos on the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 by using one of the best video players for android.

3. The S-Pen

The stylus is one of the most unique aspects of the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and has been a key selling point for the series. A lot of people have grown accustomed to using the stylus in their day-to-day lives. I have certainly used it not only for work but also for drawing rough sketches. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 improves the S-Pen further by incorporating it better into the overall design. In the past Note devices, you’d have to pull out the pen from the chassis. This time around you have to push the pen a little bit and a magnetic system will release it into your hand. This feels a lot better and easier than fiddling with the pen and taking it out. The pen is also implemented really well with the software side of the smartphone. Simply plug the pen and you’ll have a slew of options available to execute. Not only that, if the screen is off, just tap the pen on it and you’ll have access to an instant notepad. If you want to further extend the utility of the stylus, check out the best S-Pen apps for Samsung Galaxy Note devices.

4. The Camera

Even though the camera on the latest Samsung Galaxy S7 has superseded the one found on Samsung Galaxy Note 5, it is still one of the best cameras available on android smartphones. The 16 MP shooter is great at pop out colors in otherwise fairly static scenes as well. The camera also comes with optical image stabilization that allows you to shoot smooth looking videos with ease. Combine that with its capability of shooting 4K video and you have something special on your hands. While the flash is fairly good, it is still a bit on the lighter side of the spectrum. Overall it’s a fairly solid camera with exceptional lowlight performance.

5. Fast and Wireless Charging

A lot of the flagship smartphones coming out these days support fast charging but not all of them are as fast as this one. The 3000 mAh battery tucked inside the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 can be topped up from zero to full in only 120 minutes that is if it’s being charged wirelessly. Otherwise it will take even less time to charge fully. In my experience the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 takes roughly around 1.5 hours to charge from zero to 100 percent and that is very respectable charging time. Some of the devices can easily take up to two hours to charge, and yes I’m talking about the iPhone 6S Plus here. April 21, 2016 by Billa 6 CommentsFILED UNDER: DEVICES There are not many large-screen smartphones available in the market and chances are if you’re looking for one the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is among the few choices. This article will list pros and cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 so that you will be able to make a conscious and wise decision about purchasing this particular smartphone. Even if you’re not interested in buying it, this will be an interesting read to see how Samsung has improved their flagship phablets in the recent iteration. Samsung moved away from the plastic bodies of old and completely changed how they design their flagship devices. For many it was a welcome change towards a better product but for a few it was a big disappointment. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 managed to impress a lot of people and shifted many units despite not being launched in the UK at all. So without further ado let’s discuss the pros and cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5.×280&×90%2C336x280&correlator=3842116515323&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=915880058.1589351875&ga_sid=1600262528&ga_hid=645074186&ga_fc=0&iag=0&icsg=573745834&dssz=29&mdo=0&mso=0&u_tz=480&u_his=5&u_java=0&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_nplug=3&u_nmime=4&adx=142&ady=1432&biw=600&bih=559&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&oid=3&pvsid=4106208596248726&pem=773&rx=0&eae=0&fc=640&brdim=681%2C0%2C681%2C0%2C1366%2C0%2C693%2C735%2C615%2C559&vis=1&rsz=%7Co%7CoEebr%7C&abl=NS&pfx=0&fu=8192&bc=31&ifi=3&uci=a!3&btvi=2&fsb=1&xpc=W4QmaGL6br&p=https%3A//

Pros of Samsung Galaxy Note 5

There are a lot of features back into the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 and it will not be possible to count them all as Pros in this article. If you want to get a closer look at the full feature set of the smartphone check out the best features of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 article. Let’s start off with the things that make the smartphone awesome.

Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5

There are not a lot of cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 but there are some aspects that can be seen in a negative light. Especially if you are a power user and were expecting a power house in the shape of Samsung Galaxy Note 5, you’ll be a little bit disappointed. Let’s check out what’s lacking in the Samsung Galaxy Note 5.

1. Expandable Storage

Every Samsung Galaxy Note smartphone or tablet featured a microSD card slot for storage expansion. This was one of the main draws of having a bigger screen. However, Samsung removed this feature from their latest flagship phablet smartphone. This lack of expandable storage meant that a lot of people were turned off by the idea of owning a large-screen smartphone. What good is a large 5.7-inch screen with amazing colors when you cannot even store 4K quality media on your device? And don’t get me started on the 4K videos you actually shoot with your phone, those are going to chase the storage like there is no tomorrow. Thankfully, Samsung has learned a lesson and their latest flagship and has returned the beloved microSD card slot, but sadly the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is void of that feature.

2. Non-Removable Battery

Another glaring omission Samsung made from the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 was the ability to swap out batteries. A lot of power users were keen on carrying an extra, charged battery in their wallets. As the Samsung Galaxy Note smartphones are designed to be used as powerful devices, it made a lot of sense to carry an extra bit of a precaution with you. With a unibody design came the removal of removable batteries and that didn’t sit well with a lot of prospective buyers. Despite the inability to remove the battery from the smartphone, you can easily carry a quality power bank to charge up the smartphone. So it’s not that much of a big con because every power user these days has a power bank in their backpack.

3. No IR-Blaster

Another feature that power users loved in the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 series was removed. This time, it was the IR-Blaster. While not a lot of people know what an IR-Blaster is or does, it was still one important feature of the smartphone. An IR Blaster allowed the user to control their devices with their smartphone, even if the other device is not “smart” in nature. For example, the IR Blaster would allow you to change the channel of your TV or even switch on the air conditioner with ease. It’s a shame that Samsung Galaxy Note 5 won’t be able to work with some of the best remote control apps for Android.

4. Fingerprint Magnet

The smartphone looks remarkable with its curved glass back and beautiful colors. The glass feels really premium to the touch and when the light hits it just right, the smartphone is simply marvelous to look at. Surely, the smartphone is capable of turning some heads when you are using it on the bus. However, there is a downside of using glass as the back material and that is the finger prints. The material is a huge fingerprint magnet and ultimately a dirty device will dampen the beauty of the smartphone. You can counter that by applying a skin on the back of the phone but then again, that defeats the point of having a beautifully constructed device. Using a transparent case seems to be the only way to save the device from fingerprints. I recommend that you check out the best covers and cases for the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 article to see potential covers for your phone.

5. 128 GB Option

With the removal of expandable storage options, surly Samsung would have released a beefy 128 GB model for the market right? Wrong! The company decided that only 64 GB will have to suffice for the world. This is a phone that is made for media consumption and limiting the storage is not going to do it any favors. This is another problem with the smartphone, the lack of 128 GB model forces you to purchase a 64 GB model that can potentially fill up in a couple of months with 4K videos and high resolution pictures alone.


Regardless of the cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5, it remains one of the best large screen smartphones around. The screen only can help you make a decision thanks to its beautiful and vibrant colors. I highly recommend that you check out the smartphone at least once in Samsung storage to fully gauge the beauty of the device. No amount of pictures and videos will be able to show how great the smartphone looks in real life. If you have any questions about the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 or have an opinion, feel free to type out your comments below, we will be sure to check them out. Featured Image Credit The back is made up of premium glass material and makes the smartphone comfortable to hold. Overall, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 is a remarkable looking smartphone.

Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 15Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 2Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 70Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 89Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 99Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 66Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 83Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 53Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 32Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 68Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 23Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 58Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 53Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 29Pros and Cons of Samsung Galaxy Note 5 to Learn If This Is the Phone for You   JoyofAndroid - 82