I have been gaming my whole life, from Atari to PS4; I have purchased and played almost every console there is. Browsing various gaming websites is part of my daily ritual now. In fact, half of the bookmarks on my PC browser will lead to gaming related site. However, a true gamer may want to read about his/her favorite game on the bus or in an important meeting. Therefore, they will need a few good quality videogame news apps for Android devices. I’ll be honest here; I prefer the desktop versions of gaming websites for consuming news partially because they are a lot more familiar to me and partly because I cannot take my phone out in the office. The best videogame news apps for Android do keep me entertained in bed, though, so I highly recommend that you install at least the first app on the list.
1. IGN Entertainment
These were a few videogame news apps for Android that will surely keep you entertained for a long while. Hopefully, one of the apps will find a permanent home on your Android device as well. Take a look at some of the best Android cheat sites list if you get stuck in a game as well. The app gives you a lot of news, reviews and previews of videogames and even has opinion pieces from the writers there but something feels off about it. A point to be noted here is that I’m talking about the app, not the content of the app. Apart from the usual stiffness that a lot of news site apps exhibit, the app has a lot of videogame related stuff to provide. I especially like the upcoming games calendar as it helps me look forward to the next big release. Free Version
If you have any questions or want to play with me online, drop a comment and we will play together! Feature Image Credits