Here are some of the statistics for the eCommerce website platform.

General Wish Inc Stats and Facts 2023

Wish Inc Market Share Statistics 2023

Wish Inc User and Demographics Statistics 2023

Wish Inc Usage Stats 2023

Wish Revenue Statistics 2023

Additional Wish Inc Stats 2023

How much profit does Wish make a day?

Currently, Wish does not make any profit per day. They are making a loss of nearly $1 million per day. This is partly because they are looking to market their brand and refocus. At one point, they were making losses of $2 million a day.

How many orders are made on Wish per day?

According to some websites, at the height of their popularity, there were 2 million deliveries per day on Wish. Most of these orders came from customers who found them on social channels like YouTube and Facebook.

How much does the average person spend on Wish?

The average user of Wish will spend about $27.78 a year on Wish. Most people place very small orders once or twice a year, whereas others can spend on the platform monthly. Prices on Wish are very low, so it is easy for customers not to spend a lot over a year.


Wish might have had a couple of tough trading years, but the platform has the potential to perform well in the future. It has had to refocus and improve its offerings. Part of this is removing some of the misleading sellers that damaged their reputations in 2019 and 2020. Sources:

Deliverr Business of Apps Expanded Ramblings Earth Web Similar Web Backlinko


59 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 2359 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 7659 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 3959 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 859 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 2859 Impressive Wish Inc Stats   Facts  Usage   Revenue  2023 - 19