Etsy is the go-to online marketplace for handmade or vintage items and crafting supplies. Etsy is popular among artisans for its easy-to-use platform. Unlike creating and managing your own web store, it is super simple to set up an Etsy shop. Within minutes you can reach literally millions of customers from around the world, allowing you to spend more time focusing on your craft. If you are an artisan or crafter looking to offer your products online, consider these Etsy stats to help you maximize your eCommerce experience.

Etsy Seller Stats

Etsy Buyer Demographics & Stats

Etsy Shop Stats

Etsy Product Stats

Etsy Web Statistics

Etsy Sales and Revenue Statistics

Answers to our most frequently asked questions.

How many items are listed for sale on Etsy?

There are over 60 million items listed for sale on Etsy. Each item must be handmade, vintage, or considered craft supplies. Party supplies may be considered craft supplies.

What percentage of Etsy sellers have used the platform for more than 4 years?

Nearly 13% of sellers have had active shops on Etsy for 4 years or more.

How many downloads does the Etsy app have?

As of 2016, the Etsy app had been downloaded 31.8 million times.

How many active users does Etsy have?

Etsy connects 4.36 million active sellers with 81.9 million active buyers, bringing the total number of active users to 86.26 million.

Final Thoughts

As an Etsy shop owner, in addition to the statistics listed here, you will have your own shop stats that you will want to monitor. Here are some KPIs (key performance indicators) and metrics for you to be aware of:

Conversion rate – This measures how many visitors make a purchase from your shop. To calculate your conversion rate, divide the number of orders by the number of visitors. You can track this in Etsy Stats. Visitors – Etsy visits are essential to your success. It is important to know just how many visitors you have since this is directly linked to your total sales. Visits can be tracked in Etsy Stats or Google Analytics. Unique visitors can only be tracked through Google Analytics. Traffic source – Whether direct, referred, or search engine traffic, knowing how your visitors find your shop is important so you can tailor your marketing efforts. Track this in Etsy Stats or Google Analytics. Bounce rate – This KPI is the number of visitors that leave after viewing only one product. Ideally, you want visitors to explore your shop, not leave it immediately. Therefore, a low bounce rate is a good goal. This can be tracked on Google Analytics.

Are you looking for a place to sell your vintage or handmade items? Armed with these Etsy stats, facts, and figures, you can decide if an Etsy shop is the right fit for your business. The statistics in this article were compiled from the following sources:

Backlinko EMarketer Etsy Growing Your Craft Smart Money Mama SaaS Scout Veeqo


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