While the LG G4 is a stellar device, it didn’t manage to capture the attention of a lot of people back when it was released. This, however, will not be the case with the latest LG G5 flagship smartphone by the Korean manufacturer. This article will be highlighting some of the best features of LG G5 so that you can make up your mind about the latest flagships. This time of the year is when everyone is seeking new flagships devices to upgrade. This is exactly why the best features of LG G5 will help you make the right decision. If you are interested in the features of Samsung Galaxy S7 and features of Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, we also have written about them. Make a well-judged decision because usually a lot of people are stuck with one device for at least two years. But I’m pretty sure that this list will help make up your mind about the LG G5. Some features that will only appeal to certain people, but I have to admit, the LG G5 has a lot going on for it, and it looks pretty darn sweet as well. Without further ado, let’s dive into the best features of LG G5.

Features of LG G5

1. Design

The LG G4 looked good, but it didn’t feel like a premium device when held in hands. The less than a luxurious feeling is probably because it was made of mostly plastic and we all know how cheap plastic backs feel to the touch. Thankfully, LG has wised up and released a truly premium looking and feeling smartphone in the shape of LG G5. The LG G5 is shrouded in metal and feels phenomenal to touch. The device has more pronounced curves around the edges and is surprisingly pleasant to hold. The unibody metallic look makes the smartphone look the part as well.

2. Size

If you’re not a fan of large phablets, then the LG G5 will be a perfect match for you. The smartphone comes at 5.3 inches and is fairly easy for one handed usage. The LG G4 was a larger smartphone and reaching all corners of the screen was a little harder, that is not the case on the latest LG G5. A point to be noted here is that the LG G5 won’t feature a curved screen and will be flat. The smartphone measures 149.4 X 73.9 X 77 mm. Suffice to say, if you have grown fond of large-screen smartphones, the LG G5 might not be for you.

3. Screen

The 5.3 inches screen real estate comes at a 70.1% screen to body ratio. The IPS LCD screen has 16 million colors and has a resolution of 1440X2560 pixels. The better resolution results in a highly respectable 554 PPI pixel density. The IPS LCD panel has decent viewing angles and sharpness. However, if you’re looking for a truly stunning viewing experience, the AMOLED screen featured on Samsung’s flagships is still the king of the business. But if you’re in the market for accurate color representation, the LG G5 will satisfy your needs well.

4. Removable Battery

While a lot of original electronic manufacturers have moved on to unibody designs, LG G5 is still not fully there yet. And to be honest, this is what a lot of fans demand of their flagships. The LG G5 despite featuring an almost unibody design has a removable battery. While the battery is not that big, swapping it for a freshly charged replacement is easy. Release the bottom part of the smartphone from the mechanical catches and put in a new battery. The best part is, the suggested retail price of a replacement battery is around $30, it is surprisingly affordable. The 2800 mAh battery is not as juicy as other flagship from the market; the ability to easily remove and replace it is a good addition.

5. MicroSD Card Slot

Samsung tried to replicate the “no microSD card slot“ gimmick Apple has been pulling off but soon realized that Android users have different demands. LG smartphones have always come with the microSD card slot, and it is good to see one returning on the LG G5 as well. Back when the smartphone shape was leaked, I was worried that they will go for a unibody design and remove a microSD card slot. Thankfully, this was not the case, and the LG G5 does come with a microSD card slot with up to 200 GB capacity.

6. Attachments

The ability to add attachments to your smartphone is the differentiating feature of the LG G5. To add an attachment, slide the bottom of the smartphone off and insert a new attachment. At the time of this writing, there is a camera attachment that brings physical capture button as well as a zoom scroll to the smartphone. There is also a digital audio converter attachment that provides quality audio as well. The camera attachment is going to retail for around $70, but the DAC will be expensive coming at $160. LG is aiming to introduce more attachments for their flagship smartphone, and we cannot wait to see what the Korean manufacturer comes up with next. Personally, I am not sure how many people will be fond of connecting different attachments to their smartphone because they do make the phone a little bulky. However, the option to attach new competence as well as gain new features is a unique prospect, and we should all applaud LG for trying out something new.

7. Back Camera

Just like the LG V-10 featured two front facing cameras, the LG G5 comes with two cameras. One is a standard 16-megapixel camera that comes with optical image stabilization as well as laser auto focus. There is also LED flash that will definitely help in low light situations. The interesting addition is the inclusion of an 8-megapixel camera on the back as well. This lower pixel count camera is capable of capturing a wide photo thanks to its wide-angle nature. This eight MP camera is capable of capturing 135° of view that is wider than the human eye. Once again we are happy that LG is trying out something new that none of the other companies are even thinking.

8. Selfie Camera

At the front of the LG G5, you’ll find a stellar 8-megapixel camera as well. The LG G4 featured one of the best selfies cameras around, and it seems the LG G5 will be included in the best Android selfies camera phones as well. While a lot of people may say that the higher pixel count is not an accurate representation of how good a camera is, however in LG G5’s case it does provide additional detail and clarity to the image. I’ve only tested the front camera for about 2 to 3 minutes but in that short amount of time, it managed to impress me. I wouldn’t say that it is marginally better than the camera found in the LG G4, but it is right up there in terms of quality.


Well, these are a few prominent features of the new flagship LG G5. LG has really done a score this time. I hope that you find the features you are looking for in the list of these best features of LG G5. I’d suggest you look at the features of other Android phones we’ve discussed in details before making a choice. As always, if you have any questions regarding the new LG G5 or we’ve missed a great feature in the list, feel free to contact us in the comments below. Image Credits

14 Best Features of LG G5 to Master the Pioneer of Modular Android   JoyofAndroid - 2214 Best Features of LG G5 to Master the Pioneer of Modular Android   JoyofAndroid - 6014 Best Features of LG G5 to Master the Pioneer of Modular Android   JoyofAndroid - 3314 Best Features of LG G5 to Master the Pioneer of Modular Android   JoyofAndroid - 5514 Best Features of LG G5 to Master the Pioneer of Modular Android   JoyofAndroid - 57